Sunday, January 31, 2010


My healthy choices calendar, that is provided to me the the wellness folks at work, asks a provoking question this month..."Are you in control of your to-do list, or is your to-do list in control of you?"

It's kind of a funny question, or at least it was until I gave it some thought. In looking at my typical to-do list, it has become quite clear that my current method of to-do listing is ineffective and downright futile. My to-do list defeats me before I even get started.

The lists are LONG. Somehow I manage to list everything that I want to get done, and convince myself that it will all get done in the course of a single Sunday. In reality, even the most efficient person could not finish what is on my to do list in month, let alone a single day.

Moving forward, I am going to attempt a new method of to-do listing. I am going to make a Routine List for those things that must get done each and every week, and I'm going to make a Wish List consisting of those things that I would like to accomplish.

Ultimately, the goal is to make a to-do list that consists of goals that are both attainable and effective. The weekly list will now consist of items from both the Routine and Wish Lists. The trick will be to keep the Wish List items in check. No more than 3 per week, and less than that if necessary, depending on the task.

Now it is time for me to stop typing and start doing.

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